Wednesday, February 6, 2008

It's Comin' Right For Us

Several of the items that I've shared via blogger lately have been knit hats of varying degrees of coolness. I don't think that's ever tire of seeing the various hats that people devise. But I think this one is currently taking the cake as my favorite hat. Here is Knitting Ninja's shark hat as modeled by her boyfriend? If you stop by, you should also check out her Chain Chomp hat, because it's also nifty. I admire the Chain Chomp hat, but I think the real designing challenge lies in the shark hat. That's just some awesome right there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My workplace is still really angling for an ass-hat for when someone breaks the build. It would have flaps that go over the ears in the shape of donkey legs, and a yarn tail that covers the back of the neck. If only I had the skill to create it...