Thursday, March 13, 2008

Living Dead Sock

I've been all a-twitter since I figured out that 1. the Sock Madness competition was coming and 2. that I had yarn I wanted to use. As we heard teasers from the designer of the first pattern that we should be thinking "Michael Jackson's Thriller" and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel" as we choose our colors I got even more excited. I had a feeling that my dark blue with rusty reds would do wonderfully with these themes.

This morning I got everything ready.See I've got stitch markers, a note pad, my yarn (wound up), my needles, a set of crochet hooks, there's waste yarn there that you can't see, a pen, cable needle, measuring sheep, and some scissors. That should easily cover my requirements. All that was missing was the pattern.

I keep my email poised all morning, and set an alarm to make sure I checked in with it around noon so I wouldn't forget. Then around 11 am I looked up and saw the pattern for Zombie Socks by Emm1e. The pattern is perfect for my yarn. I'll get a good pictures some time soon, I promise. See a cuff with the pattern:By the time I left work I'd completed a repeat and a half, and hadn't been fired, so I call that a win. Now, if you'll excuse me I've got some sock to knit, and I'd better get back to it if I don't want to get knocked out of the competition on the first round.

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